The Taj Mahal is changing his historical color into brownish yellow Because of due to air pollution, discoloration of marble. The o...
The Taj Mahal is changing his historical color into brownish yellow Because
of due to air pollution, discoloration of marble. The oxidation its residents,
environmental neglect and wear & tear caused by millions of People who
visit it.
The Taj Mahal is
one of the most beloved memorials in the world. However, its original white
color seems to be in danger as a result of human excesses. How is it this memorial,
which has withstood the test of time, is starting to perverted in recent years?
Caused by
The Taj Mahal,
after all, a 300 years-old memorial, so some discolouring is to be expected.
Marble does not exist in a pure form, so the marble in the Taj Mahal is full of
minerals which become rusted
over time.
Oxidization leads to browning of the minerals, resulting in brown splotches on
the beautiful mausoleum. Rain also adversely affects the monument, slowly
weathering it down, leading to chipping and cracking.
Another material, iron, was used by the Indian
government for work on the Taj, which could be an explanation. Iron doves were
installed to repair the marble slabs on the building. The iron in these doves
naturally became rusted, and a new layer of this rust was then deposited onto
the marble of the Taj.
Air Pollution
Burning municipal
waste, cow dung and other forms of waste releases particulate matter into the
sky. Agra and its neighboring areas have a high rate of particulate matter for
this very reason. 2000 metric tons of waste was being dumped into the city
every day! The burning of this waste comes at a very high cost. The dust and
carbon-containing particles emitted during the burning of fossil fuels, biomass
and garbage has been the leading reason for the discoloring of the national
monument. In addition to this, the waste is not being segregated into
industrial, hazardous and biomedical waste, and is instead being dumped
directly into the drains and the sewers. The drains all eventually lead to the
Yamuna river without any treatment, further aiding the slow tarnishing of one of the
world’s most beautiful man-made creations.